Copper Slates North

About Copper Slates North

The family of slates from this region display metallic properties, giving Copper Red Slate, or Copper Slate as it is more commonly known, warm reddish copper tones. Its predominant colour is red, though metallic greens, greys, and oranges can also appear sometimes. The surface texture of Copper Red slate in its natural finish can occasionally be quite rough, as is typical for the slate family. Copper Red Slate's incredible colour combinations produce a captivating pattern ideal for modern decor.


Colour Reddish Copper
Application flooring and Exterior and Interior wall decoration.
Tiles Thickness 10mm, 12mm & 15mm
Slab Thickness 18mm, 20mm, 30mm other thickness can be supply on Special order
Slab Size 60cm X 180cm up, 120cm X 240cm up, 150cm X 270cm up
